Micro- and Macro-level Perspectives in Mental Health and Trauma
Choose courses that focus on the goal of promoting social justice to communities impacted by mental illness and trauma at both micro and macro levels. Our micro-level courses focus on helping affected populations through one-on-one guidance and support, while macro-level courses seek to understand the systemic causes for these public health concerns and develop interventions that address them.
Micro-level Course Spotlight:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
Examine major cognitive approaches to social work practice, including methods focused on clients’ problem-solving abilities, clients’ strengths, thought patterns that impede clients from reaching goals, and assessing outcomes in terms of changes in thinking and behavior.
Macro-level Course Spotlight:
Intersections of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Trauma
This advanced theory for practice course covers conceptualization, dynamics and interventions related to the intersection of mental health, substance use and trauma. It also explores recent evidence about individual and environmental risks associated with these conditions.